6 Key Vital
Signs Monitor
Professional Grade Mobile Vital Signs Monitor
This FDA cleared Six Key Vital Signs Monitor measures Heart Rate, Blood Oxygen Saturation, Temperature, Blood Pressure, ECG Heart Rhythms, and Glucose (Not available in the USA). The VoCare Vitals V360 solves your “tele” problems – all of them… The Vitals360® vital signs monitor is designed to support remote health and skilled nurse care with simple access to patient records and treatment programs. A low cost remote patient monitor mobile device that easy to operate, manage and maintain.
A critical tool to leverage in delivering Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), Tele-health, or Point of Care solutions in your respective markets. With Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capability, healthcare providers can remotely capture key clinical vital sign measurements from a single device that is self-contained and can directly upload the data by way of the cloud into the providers clinical information system.
VoCare solves your “tele” problems
all of them…

Point of Care
Remote Health

Real time data transfer and instant
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